Major 70k Investment in state of the Art Aberlink CMM!
Helix Precision has just taken delivery of an Aberlink CMM and built a new larger inspection facility to house the new purchase.
The new addition to the already impressive plant list is welcomed by the quality team at helix who are already underway operating the machine and taking advantage of all of its innovative features
Helix Precision’s Managing Director Lee Sansam commented, “To help prevent Non Conformance situations and rework we apply a companywide “right first time” total quality approach to all our processes and we make regular strategic investments in the best available inspection aids. We also constantly seek to expand our range of proficiencies and the kind of work we are able to undertake, some of the work we do is very complex and this creates a need for the right equipment to carry out final inspection this prompted the purchase of the Aberlink Zenith 3 CMM. Some of the key points we looked at when we selected the Aberlink was Speed of operation, Accuracy and the features of the software, the Aberlink came out top in all these areas.